โ€Œ๐Ÿƒโ€Œ [FESTIVAL] Green Notes in Music City: Our Sustainability Journey โ€Œ๐Ÿƒโ€Œ

Level 10
Nashville, TN

โ€Œ๐Ÿƒโ€Œ [FESTIVAL] Green Notes in Music City: Our Sustainability Journey โ€Œ๐Ÿƒโ€Œ

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Nestled in the heart of one of Nashville, famous for its rich musical culture, we're playing a different tuneโ€”one that seeks to harmonize sustainability and thoughtful hosting in one of Nashvilleโ€™s most walkable neighborhoods. This is our journey of making smarter, more eco-friendly choices.


Our adventure in sustainability began even before our property made its debut on Airbnb. With a vision for multi-generational living, we embarked on constructing a haven that not only provides warmth in the winter and coolness in the summer but does so by reducing carbon emissions (as compared to baseline) over its lifetime. This commitment to sustainability was embedded in choices we made, from superior insulation to selecting energy-efficient, water-conserving appliances and no-VOC paint. 


Then, during construction, we hit a rocky patchโ€”literally. We had to excavate tons of rocks. Rather than sending them to languish in a landfill (yes, that is where they were destined), we saw potential and kept them onsite. With some creativity and hard work, we hand placed those rocks into dry stack stone walls that now cradle a native plant garden. These native plants provide habitat for native wildlife โ€“ from birds of prey to native bees. 


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Water is precious, so we've installed fixtures that use less of it without skimping on comfort. By installing low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets, we've managed to significantly reduce water usage without compromising the comfort of our guests. It's a small step, but every drop counts in our mission to treat the planet gently.


Recycling is another key verse in our song of sustainability. With a dual-bin system, we make it simple and straightforward for guests to separate recyclables from trash, encouraging participation in our eco-friendly mission and to think twice about where their waste ends up. And because recycling glass in Nashville can be a bit tricky, we've turned it into a community effortโ€”guests leave their glass on the kitchen counter, and we take care of the rest. 


Cleanliness is next to greenliness, right? Our approach to cleanliness harmonizes with our eco-conscious ethos, utilizing steam cleaning and eco-friendly products over harsh chemicals. This action not only ensures a safer and healthier environment for our guests but also protects our planet's precious resources. This way, our guests enjoy a space that's not only clean but also kind to the earth.


We also think about how our guests shop and get around. We offer reusable shopping bags and a card for discounts at the local store, which is just a short walk away. And for exploring Nashville, we suggest public transport, walking and bike rentals, especially with the city's cool B-cycle electric bike program, as a fun way to explore the city's charm.


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Perhaps one of the most heartwarming chapters in our story involves a couch. When the time came for it to find a new home, we persisted and through a lot of coordination and some creative storage, were able to donate it to someone in need and recently unhoused, proving that even the smallest choices can make a big difference for people and the planet.


Looking ahead, we're excited about the possibility of introducing more sustainable practices into our home. We're thinking about switching to a French press to replace a coffee maker guests love but is too wasteful, bringing back our compost bin to cut down on kitchen waste and offering a plastic-free laundry detergent option.




What everyday changes have you made in your listing to make it more sustainable? 


While these efforts may seem modest individually, we believe that sustainability is not just about the grand gestures but the everyday choices that collectively forge a path to a healthier planet. And our journey of making our Airbnb more sustainable is far from over. Weโ€™re always looking to find ways to blend comfort, convenience, and care for the environment. It's a testament to the idea that every positive step, no matter how small, propels us forward. So, let's celebrate every decision each one of us makes that contributes to a better world. Together, we can create a melody of sustainability.

4 Replies 4
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Thank you so much for sharing your story @Nash-Cottages-LLC0 - you've made some truly amazing and inspirational steps! I love that you're subtly pointing your guests to more sustainable options too. Do you find it attracts more environmentally conscious guests? ๐Ÿ˜Š



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Thank you @Rebecca! No one has mentioned sustainability directly to us. However, a few and reflecting on those guests they were from Europe and Canada really appreciated that we steered them towards mass transit. We've had guests ask us about composting to which our response has been - toss whatever scraps you have int eh flowerbed. 


That said, the guests that do stay with us appreciate staying in a neighborhood away from the central entertainment district but still close enough to easily get there. So, maybe that's the eco-conscious guest perspective coming out?! 



Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

It sounds like a perfect place to me @Nash-Cottages-LLC0! You've obviously got a natural understanding of being environmentally aware. 


I can't wait to see what you do in the future and how it develops. Please keep us updated with your journey! ๐Ÿ˜Š



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Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Nash-Cottages-LLC0 I love the picture of the stone wall recycled from the spoils of your construction site. Man made walls show there is beauty with hard work but it leaves a marker in time.

As you have said recycling comes in many styles from sorting  rubbish into glass and metal, passing on used furniture.

As we say Sustainability  is becoming a way of life for Airbnb Hosts.